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God with me

God With Me


Thoughts of Alec Stevens

Get on board the Awakening

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God, Source, Force...Truth has gifted Serina and myself with sight.

     We are nothing special, but are part of an Awakening, going on through out the World today. Our paths have been unique, we do not fit into the classic Christian, nor Spiritual Circles. The home we live in is easy going, comfortable, country, hippie, spiritual...Candles, lace, positive quotes through out, our yard has an old English Garden, with benches, to sit in read, ...campfire ring in the back... I was a Boy Scout, ministers son, grew up in the deep south with a knowing of God, and the way. Later that became youth groups...During my middle school years my mother figured out, there was something unique about me, and I began working with friends, and others on spiritual health. I have seen many of the days events, in prior years, and have ran the whole stretch of self help thru mystic teaching. In the end, I have come full circle, I embrace my gifts, I love God, and the Christ is the way, but I have learned that, Truth is one, Paths our many, That we all are one, and that the division, and fear, have been stirred up to keep us activating at a limited vibration. With this new age, and thinking and living outside the box, embracing all that I am, and allowing that in others...The Awakening is being more clear to me than ever. We hope to reach as many as we can, thru Website, (a collection of vids, self help, spiritual, family and friends), on Social Media...and here...please join us, this is a collective, give and take, we are all in this together. Because of the nature of our work, we have decided not to go the route of running any kind of ads...but will be funding our work, thru donation, So If so moved, we appreciate your help. Either way we love that you are here, we behold the Christ in you, and our blessed to be of service, cheers....

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I Am Grateful...

     I always seem to be the most blessed, when I am acting out of a vibration of Gratitude.... As I express thankfulness for the gifts in my life, they tend to multiply. Contrast that with, when I am acting out of a vibration of worry, doubt or lack...complaining or just over all negative attitude, I find more areas of Opt. (challenges)... Life loves a Grateful heart, and seems to build on that vibration, when we take the time to count our many blessings; But, not appreciating them, and dwelling on that which we do not have, tends to bring on life's 2x4.... Meaning things seem to be removed, what we see as troubles, actually, retrain us to appreciate what we had, and thus put us in a space to give thanks for them, once we have move through the lesson. Goes back to the prompting of Spirit, when that still small voice says your exit is coming up, we answer back.. "I know where I am going", we miss our exit, get a flat, and while changing the tire, (the 2x4 to our hard head), we look up and notice the sign, we just missed our exit, Blessing... There is a store house of Blessing, that await us, we just need to take the time daily to be still, express our Gratitude for what we have, and thus enter into a vibration of receiving... and all the Gifts of heaven and earth will be ours... A Beautiful life of love, joy, health... and so much more!

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Treasure Mapping...


     Another great tool for keeping your thoughts positive, and helping raise your vibration and keep you in the vortex... is Treasure Mapping.


Get a push pin board, construction paper, or a folder... and start clipping positive saying and pics that fit your dreams. First off the looking for positive quotes and art, helps tune your mind to seeing them with ease in most situations, then the Subconscious mind does not reason between real and imagined. Thus every time you look at your board, it sees and starts to believe thus pulling these blessing into your reality...


Serina has positive sayings all over the inside of cabinets and on the back of closet doors, you open one up and it screams to you, “You are healthy”, “Life is an Adventure”, ect. Then there are stickers all over books in journals in our house, and some clips on mirrors. May sound a bit crazy to some of yall, but I can tell ya, it works.

This along with a Spiritual Journal, you put goals, prayers, stickers, pics, ect in will help center your mind daily, and keep you positive, have fun with it, cheers

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The Refining Fire...

     I see the common thread through out all religions, spiritual teachings and self help...The Refining Fire, that as we go thru challenges, "Area's of Oppurtunities", we grow...the dirt raises to the top, is scraped off, and the metal becomes purer, stronger...and at a lower vibration, this is a serving method... But, as the soul grows, it becomes richer thru, love and compassion... the connection to source/Christ/mana established, it can do it's work...Once we catch a glimpse of the Divine, how out of this world it is, how over powering the intense love is, we go all in, become junkies for it, and it does it's good work in us... See so many self help, sites/pages pushing affirmations with do-not, don't, must along with reminding the student over and over again, that they must suffer, must struggle...I do not buy into such teachings, trials, test are of a benefit to get us to the table, than love takes over...Be positive, use positive affirmations with cans, will, am ....meditate/pray on the spirit of God within, be grateful, for what you have and how far you have come, and look for good, stay focused on good things, turn off the negative news and TV, read a book, get in nature, give to others, and your way to the divine will be made clear. After all, you are not learning anything, or going anywhere, you are only removing the sleep from your eyes and seeing what a beautiful child of God you are.

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Keeping it Simple...


Strong Foundation...

So I started as a Minister's Child, was raised in Church...(cut the grass, painted the building, and the signs out front, put up chairs, just always seemed to be around and being a part). What that did for me, can not be put into words...but gave me a firm foundation...

      I have always felt the spirit/force/source moving in me, have had, what I call "Spidy Sense" Have studied Tao, have meditated most my life...I guess you would say I am a awakening junkie...Not a force it down your throat kinda thing, but in the flow state, have been able to see the big picture, and It has become a Love story for humanity... When you get the ego out of the way, stop trying to prove with human thinking, the points of each religion, and who is right or see God is able, able to reach all where they are. How can you trust God, know Spirit as love, yet get tangled in the fringes of the religions, that thru out the ages, have been messed with by Gov., Over bearing Churches...Stop!!! relax, breathe, keep it simple,


Just Breathe

all religions breakdown, to there is a Source who loves us, who does not force himself on us, yet loves us so much, will continue to put the opportunities in front of us, as needed. ALL will get there, it is the human that divides...true spirituality unites, heals, loves...

       Do I believe my Christian teachings, yes, do I accept Jesus Christ (God with Man) show us the way...yes, but as an example, to be a Christian is to be Christ like...lighten up a bit, Trust that God has got this, be thankful, be mind full on what we feed our bodies and our spirit...too believe God, infinite source, outside of time and space, of which we are a part of, needs anything from us, other than we be grateful, kind...allowing (Beholding) the Christ in all God's people, allows ourselves the space to be real. We have been sep. to protect the whole, many dif. peoples have been given a piece of the truth, and when we start to united again, there in that space, the awakening begins.

So my prayer would be of gratitude, of faith in all that is, the plan where the Earth and all in it, will hear, feel the call, to release anger, and be one...I behold the Christ in yall, and know you are where you should be, and I am blessed, to see, to understand, and the glow on my life, is of that which is in us all, I am open and ready to let it flow thru me to others, this is the day...Cheers KEEP IT SIMPLE


In the wind, the spray of the river...Get Still, and listen...

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Having real Faith...

     So...How can we say we have Faith, and then worry about everything, and believe the world is in trouble. GOD is outside time, before we where born he knew every thing about us. There is a divine plan at work, and looking back at great men of Spirituality, we find a common thread... If it be king David, and all his issues...who became and apple in Gods eye, to Abraham who would have killed his own son, and was granted protection to all his descendants, to Noah who in the face of everyone thinking he was a nut job, built the Ark...FAITH, not works made them what they became, and brought about Gods, favor. They believed with all their hearts in God, and his plans. So we say we believe, but would we not understand a greater work at hand. That all are Gods children. That the Christ spirit, can come in anyway to anyone, that when Jesus Christ says "I am the way", has not he ascended into heaven and the Christ Spirit, holy spirit has come down to live within us. Then our love for Jesus, and our way, may lead thru each other, we are all children... And I am blown away when I think how vast his knowledge, how great his understanding, how the Big Picture is revealed in everything. Even History, bloody and wicked, seems to find a way to make sense down the road.... So I say work on our Faith, believe God has got this, and try not to let our Ego, make us think we know better...Love, Faith and Hope these three... Everything is working out, and a great new day is dawning for us, Cheers

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God does answer...

So I hear time and time again, Where are the answers, God... The source, spirit, Holy Spirit, force is a small voice that prompts us to go left or right at the Appropriate moment...

We have a store house of blessing just sitting in storage, because we often don’t match with our source... running thru our everyday lives at warp speed, when that guiding prompt says pull into this store, or speak to this lady in line, or turn right-instead of heading home the same way.... Our response is often, I got this hush...and then when the shit hits the fan, we blame God.... when in fact if we where putting in the daily time to tune in, and listen, we would have heard turn right, and avoid the traffic or accident...

Most would not hesitate to defend their home, family, money... but when it comes to our Joy, we allow it to be stolen daily... We give the body food and water, but fail to do the same for the Spirit, take time to be still, meditation really helps, and put in more positive pics, and stories, than news, and you will be able to hear more and more of the spirits prompting...

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The Choice is yours...

Mom use to say...If you don’t decide, you leave a blank canvas for anyone to come along and place a mask on you. You pause your creating of reality, and allow others to decide who you are.


Before we start on this, please do me a favor...3 deep breaths ...”When you take a deep breath, you are creasing your cells...” Think about thousands of cells, from your feet, to those that make up your brain, operating on limited fuel, and then nitro...whoooooooo, better thinking, better healing and overall better function...

You are a Perfect Child of God...

Made in the image, inherited to all that is, a co-creators of reality...

When we except our divinity, and take on our “Hero’s Journey ”, we establish a title for our story, and those looking to impose one on us fade away...and move on to easier target.

Write your own story, create the charactor you want to be...

So...plant your own crops, never leave a empty field, for others to plant their seeds of doubt, negativity, anger ect... CHOOSE Today to plant your own seeds, to till your own soil, to water and feed your crops, to bring about your reality...GUARD it against those worms, and crows that would take the seed or eat the crop.

We do this by starting each day off with positive

Daily Affirmations & Positive Quotes from Louise Hay (just an example, many on net, find one that suits ya...)

Appreciate/Meditate/Pray/Watch positive shows, read Positive books, listen to music that makes you feel great. Get out the crayons/paints and color your world, when full of these things, there will be no room for anything counter...

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     Thinking back to many times from my earlier life...from riding my first banana seat, non training wheel bike..the excitement laced with fear, my heart bounding out of my chest, the love of my father running down the street, pushing, than he let go...


Dozens of moments through out my life...all where time slowed, my sense of site, smell and hearing arose, and in WONDER...they became frozen on my mind...these moments remain, they made final cut, cause they where slowed and I engraved them into my soul...

In this modern world, with social media, play station the speed of which we live, let in much more content, Yet...the moments that mean something are few...Time to slow things down, get of the net...leave the phone at home, take you wife on a picnic, or your kids out to fly a kite...They can use some WONDER...and so can you...Cheers

Getting Back To A State Of Wonder...

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